How to enable 3G streaming on Tweetbot through secret screen

Tweetbot has a Super Secret Settings screen on which you can enable Twitter Streaming over 3G. Here's how to find the hidden setting.

Headshot of Jason Cipriani
Headshot of Jason Cipriani
Jason Cipriani Contributing Writer, ZDNet
Jason Cipriani is based out of beautiful Colorado and has been covering mobile technology news and reviewing the latest gadgets for the last six years. His work can also be found on sister site CNET in the How To section, as well as across several more online publications.
Jason Cipriani

Did you know there is a Super Secret Settings menu in Tweetbot for both iPhone and iPad? Don't worry, not many people did. While what the settings actually do in the secret screen may not be all that obvious, there is one setting you might want to take a look at changing.

In the aptly titled Super Secret Settings screen you can enable the streaming of your Twitter feed over 3G. Up until the discovery of this setting, streaming in Tweetbot was only allowed over a Wi-Fi connection. Streaming your Twitter feed means you'll see tweets in real time, not having to pull to refresh whenever you want to view any new tweets from those you follow.

Accessing the hidden setting is actually pretty easy, here's how:

    At the bottom of the settings screen, tap each corner three times -- at the same time. Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET
  1. Open the Settings portion of Tweetbot. Scroll to the bottom and tap on each side of the copyright notice, three times, at the same time. When done right, you'll reveal the secret settings screen.
  2. Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET
  3. Turn WWAN Streaming on to enable 3G streaming
Streaming over 3G! Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET

That's it. You will now have a live-streamed Twitter feed while on the go. Just keep in mind that you're going to be using both battery and data, both of which can be a precious commodity.

Should you want to turn off streaming, repeat the steps above and toggle the WWAN Streaming switch back to off.

(Via: Cult of Mac)